Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Iye ke..?

No posting for Ramadhan.

No posting for Hari Raya.

But there is something else i care so much lately. It has came to my knowledge that i can bruise easily, from the fact that i have fragile capillaries under my skin. Even it is quite obvious that i intentionally keeping my BMI at 23 so that i could have extra fatty coushion to protect myself, it didn't work so well. I keep on and on having bruises one after another.

Well, one fine day when i was enjoying hari raya at my hometown, an old makcik saw a purplish dot on upper side of my ankle. She said i was bitten by a 'pelesit' (cricket). She told me it is an evil spirit that usually carried off in the insect and not all are evil. This spirit is usually sent off to another person as an evil mean to the victim. She suggested to catch the 'pelesit' and separate its head from its body.I actually had heard them few times but i still don't think it is true. My mom once shown me how a 'pelesit' looks like, and i think it is beautiful.

I am just like any other people who believes in ghosts and evil spirit, i even enjoy watching spooky movies. It hasn't been all that long since i didn't have to worry about being put under observation for some shoddy application of scientific instrumentation and techniques for my blood clotting problems. And now should i worry about something i didn't really believe in? You know what ghost i believe? I believe in hantu raya kecik yang salam and come to the house few times just to get duit more raya. Yang tu i totally percaya. *wink*

And i believe in you dear.

1 comment:

waris said...

The 'dear' is you dear, unquestionable!