Friday, April 27, 2007

Saya nak..

Apa yang saya betul-betul nak buat sekarang?

Saya nak berada di kawasan padang rumput hijau yang luas, yang dihujung rumput tu masih basah dengan air embun. Matahari yang belum terik bersinar masih lagi sembunyi di balik bukit nun di hujung sana. Langit biru terbentang luas tanpa awan yang mengaburi. Angin lembut dan sejuk bertiup sekali sekala ke badan dan rambut saya. Dan ya, saya seorang sahaja dengan pakaian saya yang paling selesa. Tak ada bunyi burung. Tak ada rama-rama. Cuma saya dan padang rumput luas itu. Saya nak baring atas rumput hujau, biarkan baju saya basah sedikit dek air embun, baring menatap langit lepas. Biarkan diri saya dibuai perasaan yang tenteram. Dan telinga saya mahu mendengar lagu ini:

Ku mengerti perpisahan ini
Bukan kerana kau membenci
Tapi kasih yang pernah ku beri
Tiada lagi bersama

Sering kala aku terlihatkan mu
Impian nan indah julang bahagia
Ku harungi hari demi hari
Bersama wajah tak mungkin akan kembali
Tapi hati masih tak terima
Ditinggalkan sengsara

Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Perasaan hati masih rindu
Kekalutan ini hanyalah untukku
Tercari-cari bayanganmu
Tak sanggup aku kehilangan

Friday, April 13, 2007


Ok, so i felt like bull shits dropped right on my face, when i’ve been tagged. Seriously, Judd. Who on earth would want to reveal the weirdest, deepest, darkest, worst habits of their own right? Even so, i still hope these would explain a lot about me. I am not really a good girl as people used to see me. I truly am. Enjoy!

1. I am a spoiled brat. I cry a lot if something has gone over my entreaty, but of course i don’t like to show my sadness off in public. My crying spot is in my bedroom or in the toilet.

2. I took cigarettes in the span of less than 3 months long time ago. Faced with a bit rough problems, i thought ruining myself was almost the best way to achieve. Stupid, but i quit as soon as i regain my sanity. And mission accomplished, i did wreck my respiratory tracks!

3. I hate to wait. Sorry if i gone mad after some time of waiting. I can easily burst into madness if i have to wait especially if i am alone with nothing to do. Exception will always be there to whom i love most!

4. I am a superstitious person. I always feel that things happen with a reason and God will show if something good or bad are about to occur. Simplest is black clouds when it’s going to be rain. Complicated like got itchy right hand if my purse will turn fatter, hahaha.. anybody out there believe it too?

5. I am tone deaf. I can’t sing. Maybe the worst voice anyone would ever heard, maybe worse than hearing an old Ah Pek farting. Vitally serious, but sorry i do sing sometimes. Tahan jelah ye.. Kak Yana will be more than happy to agree with it too.

6. I love being in love. With the right person of course. What weird abut that? Because i continually will turn weird when i’m in love. Sincerely.

By the way, my bloggie is 3 years old now. Yippie..